If you are a client wishing to pay for financial advice received from an IFS-licensed adviser, you can pay your invoice from Industry Fund Services using one of our easy payment options detailed below.

Additional payment options may be available to you, including Bpay, automatic Direct Debit, cheque or debit from your superannuation/pension fund investment (if applicable). Please refer to your tax invoice or discuss your payment options with your adviser.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Electronic Funds Transfer Icon

You can pay by direct credit into our bank account using the account details listed at the bottom of your tax invoice.

Account Name: Industry Fund Services
Account Number: 626892258
BSB: 083-001
Description: Client ID

Note: When paying, remember to enter your Client ID in the Description field so we can identify your payment. Your Client ID is located under the Electronic Funds Transfer payment option of your tax invoice. Without your Client ID we cannot allocate your payment and process the transaction.

Credit Card

Visa and Mastercard Logos

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